Yet Another Unused Set Design for ASIA BAGUS (1998-99?)

And while the exact time period for this unused set design for ASIA BAGUS remains a "mystery" still, I have another set to add to the mix!

The specific angle aesthetics to these sketches, seemed to go in line with my design preferences of 1997, particularly for the "wood"-themed "GOOD MORNING SINGAPORE / 早安您好!" and "SELAMAT PAGI SINGAPURA", and as well the corporate-themed "Corporate Raiders", which more likely morphed into this final design for 1998 ("Silver padded" panels, inclusive).

Until I find further drawings or documentation (which will decide if I went thru with the design, or abandoned it), this would be suitably labelled under "Unused".

As always, not marking nor dating my drawings thru the years, have left my dulled memories struggling for answers! HAH!

Andy Heng

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