About The White Christmas Tree And Harry's TV Area for PERTH (2004)

About That White Christmas Tree:
Djinn had subtly insistent (he does that very well, mind) on having a white christmas tree in the set, which I kinda liked the quirkiness of and helps provide a cross-cultural zone between East (where Harry physically lived) and West (where he mentally longs to be) and of course, a time-warped moment (I lurve time-warps ;p).

Finding a white christmas tree before December was a hurdle that took a couple of weeks to overcome. Bascially, in commercial-land (ie: Singapore), nobody would stock christmas trees, much less an all-white one. Alternatives were to spray-paint existing green ones, but I was determined to find a kitschy-plastic white one. Rubbish-collector pulled thru again ~ one dusky late afternoon, moment before the magic hour, in between the silhouette of the cranky old seller and his gigantor-mount of dusted boxes, laid a single mould of white-like christmas leaves, in pristine dusted plastic. SOLD.

(That's my Set Dresser; Mus, fussing over the curtains :p) All other items peppered throughout the living room were 70% from thrift-shops and flea markets, bought within a span of two weeks. Receipts were a nightmare, but I'd follow-up with photographic evidence.

(First blogged in 11.28.2006)

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