What Is "Perth Polaroids"?

"Perth Polaroids" features essentially scanned conti-polaroids (*continuity-pictures) taken during the production of the feature film, "PERTH" (by/for the Art Department's reference) - explained by myself, the Production Designer-cum-Art Director of said feature (my 5th, actually). Apologies if I may go on a fair bit more than you'd want to read, but that's me anyways (ask any of my crew LOL)

This entire prrocess was initiated as a form of "online communication" over with the folks at Tartan Films, to faciliate the editing and production of a Art Direction Featurette in the Special Features section of the American-release DVD of PERTH (Shown up top if the Region 1 version of the DVD where the featurette exists, and nowhere else).

I will endeavour to mirror all the contents (in a previous blog) over to THIS BLOG, with perhaps minor grammar and language changes ... after all, they were posted back in the year 2006...

Go buy the DVD if you can find it, yeh?

Don't bother trying to find an illegal download or online streaming bootleg - there isn't any. (But tell me if you find one *cough* - THANKS!)

Meanwhile, have fun going thru the images, as a pseudo-record of what we had gone thru the shoot/production :p

Andy Heng
Production Designer, PERTH.

[ This was first posted on 11.21.2006 ]

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