The "ISLE OF PHI KRA" for ROUGE (2004)

Episode is set for "ISLE OF PHI KRA" for ROUGE (2004)
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: The girls go undercover to the fictional "Isle Of Phi Kra", where we have resort styled interiors, vintage vehicles and a series interior studio sets!

The fictional "Isle of Phi Kra" is an amalgam of different filming locations for both interiors and exterior, to evoke a island resort somewhere in South East Asia (we even did a "national flag"), where the girls are dressed in flowery dresses, riding in vintage cars and dining on exotic fruits ... but not before going undercover as household maids, in a studio setting environment, dressed to look exactly like a "studio setting" in classic films.

From office to bedrooms, I'd kept to a monochromatic palette of whites/greys and browns, an interpretation of "black and white" shows, and with bursts of red accents.

Searching for clues in multiple rooms: Master Bedroom (above), Bedroom, and Isle Of Phi Kra's Prime Minster's Office, and for the finale, a spread of food in the Dining Hall.




The studio setting themselves held an interesting sense of "deja vu" for me, harking back to my Television Corporation of Singapore days, but at the same time not something I had been 100% familiar with, ironically, as I'd not been involved in "creating sets for drama" per se, but of short form of skits for shows such as "Comedy Nite", so in a roundabout way, this gave me an opportunity to sate my "curiosity" and desire to design for "drama in a studio setting".

And yes, the distance (or lack thereof) of the furniture to the faux-walls were deliberate, as we'd wanted to go "as realistic geographically" in the interior space management sense, of course with budget in mind, while intending to light the set and walls "film noir"-style with harsher and deliberate shadows, again revoking black-n-white classic films from 50s/60s.

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