Of Pimping Myself Online & Recreating Our Lives

After being over a decade away from the industry and craft, I had just freshly completed a production (broadcast on-air circa 1st quarter 2024), and in an attempt to bolster my existence and return to the local industry (more "John Wick" than "T-800" in "Terminator 2", thanks), these are where you can find #andyhengart online:

Instagram: instagram.com/andyhengart
YouTube: youtube.com/@andyhengart
Facebook: facebook.com/andyhengart
Blog: andyhengart.blogspot.com


andyhengart Instagram

There are years' worth of Instagram uploads on my personal IG account, that I have since chosen to privatise, and will begin to re-upload unto my dedicated Insta @andyhengart, which was more "archival" in its earlier incarnation, than what would now be perceived as "Pimping Myself" and my craft, moving forward. I have always been socially awkward, and since being behind the computer screen for the past decade-plus, this was also the most logical path, as I continue to journey forward.

Moving forward, I reconnect with my past, and bring along with me a lifetime of regrets & triumphs, a life lived 5-plus decades deep, and a sentimentality that might not necessarily sit well with, or appreciated by others, honestly speaking … all of which is who I am, although perhaps I too could be what others expect of me, or I could simply be "me". As "egotistical" as this might echo at the back of folks' though upon reading this (understandably so), I assure you it comes from a place of confidence and peace.
What are we but recreations of our own lives…?.
(August 2, 2023)

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