Behind The Velvet Curtains / Back Of Alien Bar for PERTH (2004)

This location shown is the Clan Association along Geylang, with exquisite pre-war Peranakan-styled floor mosaics, who could resist? Also from the script, there would be an intense fight/struggle between Harry and The Poet and the floor would be seen predominately. Again an image of both the figures and the floor harken back to the 1970's feel. The utilitarian plastic-moulded chairs is a staple in Singapore, be it for celebratory functions or funerals, ageless for us, IMHO.

We treat our sponsors well :). filled to the brim with "subtle" (NOT) posters and paraphenalia, including subliminal travel posters urging folks to go for a vacation in Perth (I have this peppered throughout the film, actually), instilling the dream-like state and desire for which lingers on the back of Harry's mind (Props goes out to Muse for creating those graphics).

The existing wooden-wall panelling was perfect for the "lost in 70's"-fell I was gunning for in the film ... We still haven't figured out what the poster says tho.

The crew mucking about on my set while i snap a continuity-image, waiting for a set-up. The dude grabbing his butt (gawd knows why) should be Simon, our Spark/Grip, with Kim (our 1st A/D) enjoying the floorshow. Well, "when in Rome" ...

(First blogged in 11.28.2006)

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