Set Design for HACK TEST DUMMIES (in "SCOOPS" on meWATCH)

I was given the opportunity to design a set for a children's program "SCOOP!" - specifically the "HACK TEST DUMMIES" segment - with the first (Pilot) episode since launched (June 15/2020) & watchable now online via meWatch!

Featured here are a quick snap-shot of initial sketches & developmentals leading to final proposals, and screengrabs of the first episode for the HACK TEST DUMMIES segment, featuring hosts: Noah Yap & Jaime Chew.

The initial concept was for the words "HACK" to be split into two separate movable 3-dimensional constructs, but subsequently made into 4 x individual modules (upon recommendation by set maker).

The initial concept was that each "box" was "openable", to contain the specific item(s) that was to be discussed and tested on (for each episode), as I had also wanted the host(s) to be able to physically interact with the set(ting), where they could actually remove the episode's dedicated item out from storage or display. Ultimately we decided on open clear acrylic shelving to display the item(s) to be tested on, for which they could still interact with, given the opportunity.

For this project I had designed the set prior to studio setting and shoot, and had not followed the production during filming.

I've since posted images here on my Facebook, and as well a few behind-the-scenes via the hashtag: #hacktd on Instagram. I'm a analog person attempting to navigate a digital world (and no, I'm not "John McClain", thanks).

It's been ages since I'd designed a "kids set" (which I enjoyed doing during my tenure at the Television Corporation of Singapore in the 90s), and I will not lie - seeing my name again on the credits was a bit getting used to, but exhilarating!

Thanks again @hoodsincprod for the trust and opportunity!

FYU: The below fold-out was never used nor presented.

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