Designing Harry's Living Room Area for PERTH (2004)


Above: The fan that didn't work but was good for filling up space. The 70's-styled stretched plastic-wicker chair that I had to get and perhaps the obvious color difference in this set, "reminding" the viewers of the 70's tone, and this no doubt still exist in a lot of local homes in Singapore now too, methinks!


Above: The bloodied-floor the morning after Harry's drunken para-jump the night prior. Appreciated the folks that didn't stomp all over the set. I made sure of that because I told everyone every time they come on my set. I'm anal about such things, so sue me. No eating, no drinking, no mucking about on set. We are the Art Department and not janitors or cleaners ... but of course we are when shoot starts, dammit.


Above: The tribal-Australian (or was it African?) totem with a missing wooden penis; stands guard beside the living-room sofa, a thinly-veiled metaphor perhaps for the emasculation of the average Singaporean-male (at least of Harry's generation)


I'm sure Harry's wife agrees :p


Above: A ridiculous stack of newspapers, for which is a very Singaporean-trait. We'd have stacks upon stacks of daily newspapers kept, while waiting for the neighbourhood "karang gunni-man" (ie: 2nd-hand dealer) to come door to door to buy it from us, for mere cents, thinking we'd not "loose too much money and maybe get back some spare change". But we don't normally tie them up, we'd leave it to the folks who comes prepared with string and twine. Harry most likely would be the sort of gentleman who'd "help ease their hardwork" but tying them up himself first :)


Above: As of last count, I had purchased near 12 ash-trays for this shoot. And had peppered them throughout his house (living room, dining, bedroom, kitchen) and of course the cigarette butts were kindly contributed by every one on set :p

(First blogged in 11.28.2006)

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