About Harry's Bedroom for PERTH (2004)

Thank the location-gawds Harry's bedroom was in the same apartment (as the living room et al). I had gone for the bedroom with the 70's styled window-grills, likening it to Harry living there ever since he got married and probably has not renovated nor decorated since. From the furniture to even the salmon-colored curtains (another thrift-shop find). His refuge from the "present world"; is his house. Which has also turned into his prison (hence the funky grills).

One primary concept which I had wanted to bring across was that visually (and mayhap metaphysically), Harry was stuck in the 1970's. His glory years. His manhood years, when what he said meant something to folks around him, somewhere he'd be comfortable in, and somewhere where he'd still wish to be in. The bedroom is kept to a bare minimum, as messy since the day his wife left him. I had wanted ridiculous amounts of clutter and stacked junk, but decided it would have taken Harrry away from his loneliness.

(First blogged in 11.28.2006)

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