Set Design: Making A Robot for ASIA BAGUS (1998)

You ever noticed a "robot" tucked in the middle of a ASIA BAGUS set? Scroll thru to the bottom of this blogpost to see a uber-low-res video lah ...
Hey, I wanna design a larger-than life-sized giant robot, just like any like-minded geek out there! And I managed to do just that ... or rather, a facsimile of one?

Seen above is a sketch I did during what-would-more-likely be a 2/3-day course at Boulevard Hotel (there were more character sketches other than this) ... and below is what the guys made for me, to put into my Asia Bagus set, in 1998! And NO, n one specifically asked me for a "robot" tho ... and bless the producers for allowing me my indulgence XOXOXOX

Look, I don't want to knock the result (until I find my construction drawings for this), but if my contractors were basing my design off the sketch alone? Then they deserve a hearty round of applause! And for supporting my dream (*Although I am wholly unsure if I ever told them this was my dream in the first place, but knowing my blabber-mouth, I would MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA :p).. More on this ASIA BAGUS-set in a later post, cheers.